Benjy howard stern s
Benjy howard stern s

benjy howard stern s

Howard asked if it's his age or that Brad isn't in shape. He said it does take a little longer now at 80. George said he doesn't worry about it so much. Howard asked if it takes a long time for him to get hard. He said it might be a pleasant submission. George said Brad is 17 years younger than he is. Howard asked who would win in a real wrestling match. Howard said someone told him that Brad hit Easter eggs in his ass and George had to find them. He said that he has to use his imagination now with Brad. George said they did but it's not as vigorous as it used to be. Howard asked if he and brad wrestled for Easter. Howard said he breaks out when he uses that stuff. Robin said if it is the fountain of youth is Howard going to partake. He said he hasn't been doing anything different. He said that when Brad is inside him and finishes maybe that's where it comes from. George laughed and said that's where life originates. Howard asked if semen is the fountain of youth. He does 100 push ups and 50 sit ups every day. Howard asked about the push ups he does every day. He said there's a little ache in the hips. Howard asked if he has any aches and pains at 80. George said the birthday is actually on the 20th. George said he knows he's reached that landmark 80 years old. He said he has a huge, gay birthday party for him today. George said he is performing in a musical called Pacific Overture so he didn't get out. Howard asked if he went for a walk yesterday. George said he's been there since February. Howard said yesterday was in the 80s in the city. He said hello to George Takei who was sitting in. Howard started the show talking about how exciting it is when Rob Zombie opens the show. Show opening bits and songs included: Rosie O'Donnell performing a song parody at the 2014 Howard Stern Birthday Bash, ''A Massage Parlor Etiquette Tip from Sal Governale'' bit, Peter Wolf performing ''Love Stinks'' on the Howard Stern Show. Benjy 45 Minutes Late To Work This Morning.Ronnie, Stephanie And Jon Leiberman Visit.Bill O'Reilly And Howard's Show Discussed.Prince's Hips And White House Easter Egg Hunt.George Takei Given Andy Cohen's 'Top Gay' Crown.

benjy howard stern s

George Takei's Big, Very Gay Birthday Party Begins.

Benjy howard stern s